
New Feature: Document Acknowledgement - Logiqc

Written by Bret Mannison | Jul 17, 2023 6:58:56 PM

It’s inevitable that critical company documents, such as health and safety and HR policies, evolve and change over time and these changes need to be communicated within the organisation.

Staff missing out on essential updates could result in costly mistakes and errors, as failing to comply with the updated policies and procedures can result in legal and financial consequences for your organisation.

But how do you ensure people stay across the latest version of any document in a controlled and systematic way? And how can you monitor and report on who has or hasn’t read a specific document?

Introducing Document Acknowledgement

Logiqc’s Document acknowledgment feature ensures that all staff remain up to date with your organisation’s most important policies and procedures.

Key features include:

  • Schedule one-off or recurring tasks for staff or staff teams to confirm they have read the latest version of a document.
  • Staff are notified when documents are due to be read.
  • Simple one-click confirmation process.
  • Maintain compliance with standards.
  • Consolidated report of all acknowledgement tasks, including status, dates, and document version at the time of confirmation.
  • Generation of personal document confirmation reports for users.

Learn more about LogiqcQMS and its Document Acknowledgement feature. Our team would love to hear from you, get in touch with us today!