
Empowering Healthcare Providers: Strategies for Day Hospitals & other Secondary Healthcare Services

Written by Unna Liddy | May 27, 2024 6:10:23 AM


Across all healthcare sectors, there is a growing recognition that traditional methods are no longer adequate to face the current challenges, especially as regulations and standards become more rigorous.

While Australia's healthcare system is renowned as one of the best in the world, it faces numerous challenges affecting both primary and secondary healthcare providers.

The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and the consequent rise in costs, an ageing population, disparities in access to services, and gaps in the healthcare infrastructure and workforce have all created a challenging environment. Additionally, changing consumer expectations and a greater regulatory focus on safety, quality and risk are driving the need for more integrated and personalised care experiences.


Challenge #1 – Greater regulatory focus

To ensure full compliance, the healthcare sector often encounters heightened regulatory scrutiny. For instance, since July 2023, health organisations undergoing evaluation against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards have been required to undergo short-notice assessments, aiming to enhance the reliability of accreditation processes. Consequently, organisations no longer have substantial preparation time for audits. Instead, they must fully comply with the standards' requirements for corporate and clinical service provision and have processes to demonstrate compliance at any time.

To thrive in this challenging landscape, healthcare organisations must foster a learning system approach and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and take a proactive approach to risk management.


Solution: Streamlining Compliance and Managing Risks Effectively

A platform such as Logiqc QMS which is designed to simplify and streamline compliance processes, ensures that organisations remain audit-ready 24/7. It empowers them to generate evidence reports with a single click, providing the crucial advantage of conducting Short-Notice Assessments on demand. Additionally, the platform can generate evidence reports for ISO certifications and compliance with other standards such as the New Zealand 8134:2021 Health and Disability Services Standard, National Safety and Quality Cosmetic Surgery Standards (2023), and AS 5369:2023 Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities, among many others.

To ensure the highest quality standards in healthcare services Logiqc QMS helps healthcare providers manage and mitigate risks effectively. With a strong reporting culture, the platform enables organisations to not only track the status of controls but also monitor the organisation's exposure to risk. This enables organisations to effectively safeguard the quality of the services provided.


Challenge #2 – Increasing demand for healthcare services.

The Australian health sector grapples with a myriad of challenges, including an ageing population and escalating rates of chronic disease, resulting in a surge in demand for healthcare services.

The increase on demand for services present substantial risks to healthcare professionals, leaving them vulnerable to burnout, excessive workloads, and severe workplace stress.

Additionally, navigating complex patient care, administration, accreditation, and compliance requirements can be demanding and time-consuming, and stretch limited resources.


Solution: Time-saving technology platforms

To address these issues, healthcare organisations need a flexible and well-trained health workforce supported by highly efficient systems that ensure high quality service provision.

The Logiqc QMS platform is designed to manage and track everything that needs to be done and to generate evidence reports for auditors seamlessly. This ensure quality, streamlines compliance processes, and saves valuable time and resources not only in managing what needs to be done but also in preparing for accreditation audits.


Challenge #3 – Increased clients' expectations.

Meeting customers’ evolving needs and demands while meeting community expectations and industry standards requires an effective quality management approach and a strong commitment to ensuring the highest standards of care and service delivery.

To achieve this, organisations need robust quality management systems that are underpinned by  accountability and transparency, that promote continuous improvement and ensure trust in healthcare institutions.


Solution: Optimising Quality Management

Our customers can leverage technology to establish non-person dependent systems and processes, enabling them to enhance overall quality that meet and exceed consumer expectations.

Additionally, by leveraging an integrated system that manages 15 critical back-office processes, they can gain a 360 degree perspective on how things are being managed and where improvements will make the greatest difference. In providing services to patients, the workforce can do so confidently knowing that everything that needs to be done to manage safety, quality, and risk in the provision of healthcare services is being managed by the system.

A safety, quality, and risk management platform built with healthcare providers in mind.


How Logiqc can help

At Logiqc, we understand the intricate landscape in which day hospitals and other secondary healthcare organisations operate, along with the daily challenges their teams face. Our customers include hospitals and day procedure centres across Australia and New Zealand, and we are helping them reframe these challenges as opportunities.

Our Logiqc QMS platform has been successfully implemented across numerous secondary healthcare settings, including radiology facilities, eye specialists, and fertility clinics. Additionally, we collaborate with healthcare startups, helping them to implement a robust QMS from the ground up.

Do you have any questions or simply want to learn a bit more? Get in touch with our expert team today to discover how we can support your day hospital or facility. We look forward to hearing from you!