2020 has been a year of significant disruption for the healthcare industry. But in leading the defence against COVID-19, we have also seen great advancements in the health and community sector. The challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic meant that health organisations had to up-level their digital infrastructure and technological capabilities to enable remote work and virtual service delivery.

Telemedicine was added as an item to the Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS), making video consultations more accessible. Health organisations were required to develop and implement a COVID-19 Management Plan to strengthen infection prevention and control protocols. Many organisations required an immediate build or strengthening of their QMS to meet the challenges of staff working from home.
Several new standards were also released during the year. In response to rising demand for high-quality digital mental health services, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care announced new National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards on 30 November 2020. headspace, Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, also released version 2 of the headspace Model Integrity Framework (hMIF), introducing ‘more flexibility in hMIF2 in how services demonstrate how they meet the requirements taking into account their local context’. Other new standards included a new version of the RNZCGP Foundation Standards 2020 for our GP customers in New Zealand, and version 7 of the Human Services Quality Framework, specific to our Queensland customers.
At Logiqc, we have been busy helping our customers to navigate these changes and have continued to invest in platform improvements. Here are some of the highlights from 2020.
We celebrated our customers’ success
After implementing their QMS earlier this year, Moorditj Koort achieved their ISO 9001 accreditation for the first time. LogiqcQMS helped to streamline the process by ensuring all information was in the one place, and by keeping staff accountable for tasks assigned to them.
Black Swan Health Limited is a large complex health organisation with over 200 staff operating across multiple sites and is required to meet multiple standards. The organisation transitioned from their previous QMS to LogiqcQMS in four months. Since it has been implemented, the management team has noticed stronger engagement and an improvement in the reporting culture. By encouraging friendly competition for reporting among different business units, more than 100 improvements were reported in the first quarter of the financial year.
Aurora Disability Services built their QMS in less than three months and achieved first time accreditation against the NDIS PS standards. LogiqcQMS was well-received by the auditors, who were split between on site and remote, and could easily access the platform.
We introduced the next generation of LogiqcQMS, version 6
After a two-year design and development process, we launched v6 in November 2019. New features included a dashboard, global search, simpler forms and more intuitive workflows, enhanced incident management, improved analytics, document preview, simpler scheduling, an option to ‘quick-publish’ and ‘quick-approve’ and optimisation for mobile and tablet.
We have continued to make improvements to the platform throughout the year based on feedback from our customers, covering identity management, task automation, business analytics and accreditation support
We welcomed 1,102 new users to the LogiqcQMS family, bringing our total users to 10,000
Through tools, training and ongoing support, we helped more customers to think differently about how they manage quality, safety and risk. Here’s what some customers had to say:
“Thank you for providing us with such quick access to the Risk Dashboard and associated training. It is a fabulous addition to v6 and provides a helicopter view of risks and mitigating actions. We are very excited and look forward to using this to inform not only the Board but also our stakeholders.”
“I want staff to think of Logiqc as the tool they use for managing many things in their job. In the near term, we will be coaching functional leaders on how to leverage the tool to improve our project management.”
“I came out of the training session feeling a lot more confident about my role and the areas that I now need to focus on. Furthermore, I have found some great tips to share with the staff to make their experience and workflow more effective.”
As partners through transformation, we are proud of the longstanding relationships we have built with our customers. This year, we celebrated anniversaries with 35 customers who have now been with us for eight years or more.
Looking ahead to 2021…
For our primary health care services, a new standard is on the horizon. The National Safety and Quality Primary Healthcare (NSQPH) Standards are currently being developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The Commission has extended the consultation process into 2021, which is open to healthcare providers, professional bodies, Primary Health Networks, consumers and other representatives of the sector.
With many organisations having to undertake remote audits during COVID-19, it’s likely we will see this become more common in the years to come. If you are considering a remote audit in 2021, talk to us about how LogiqcQMS can support you.
A heartfelt thanks to all of our customers for your ongoing support this year. Your success is our success, and we look forward to working with you in 2021 and beyond. We wish you and your families a safe and well-deserved end of year break.