We’re excited to announce the release of two new LogiqcQMS registers for managing and maintaining assets and equipment.
These two new registers will enable you to integrate asset management and maintenance with your existing registers such as the Repairs, Incidents, Contracts, Suppliers and Documents registers, providing an opportunity to significantly boost your ROI from LogiqcQMS. Imagine a 360-degree view of your assets and equipment showing related planned maintenance, documentation, faults, suppliers, and customer complaints.

In recent years, we’ve received many requests from users to extend LogiqcQMS to enable the management of equipment maintenance and assets such as vehicles and machinery. This has partly been driven by legislation and standards such as the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) in Australia, in relation to infection control, which has led to a greater focus on managing environmental safety issues.
For example, the NSQHS expects health service organisations to maximise safety and quality of care through the design of the environment and by maintaining buildings, plants, equipment, utilities, devices and other infrastructure that are fit for purpose. The Standard suggests:
- Creating and monitoring a schedule of review to ensure that all buildings, plant and equipment are fit for purpose, safe and in good working order.
- Developing a comprehensive maintenance plan that includes clear and easy-to-use documentation of maintenance and repairs.
- Facilities maintain records of all plant and equipment, including the date of purchase, preventive maintenance schedule, location, and serial number.
- Keeping details of routine and preventive maintenance performed for each item of equipment and plant, including electromedical equipment.
Outside of the medical industries, there is just as great a need for simple and effective ways to manage assets such as vehicles, IT equipment, machinery, and even property.
So, we’ve heard the calls and we’ve responded with two new LogiqcQMS registers for managing assets, equipment, and maintenance. But we wanted to get it just right, which is why we developed the registers in consultation with customers from the health and community service sector. One such client was Kensington Private Hospital, a private hospital in Whangarei Northland, New Zealand. In our latest customer spotlight, Quality Manager Bernadette Jongbloed explains the collaboration process:
We started by creating a pathway for Logiqc of how we currently do our maintenance checks, register assets in our manual system, and onboard external companies that come to do maintenance checks. The team then worked with the developers to bring this to life, and Bret came back to us with a demonstration which was pretty close to how we run our systems.
Being able to work with the Logiqc team to create the assets and maintenance registers and have a say around how it was going to look was amazing. These registers will be an absolute game-changer for us, as everything is currently done manually,”
Bernadette Jongbloed, Quality Manager at Kensington Hospital
Key features
- Manage your equipment, plant, vehicle and medical assets
- Schedule planned maintenance and service points
- Integrated fault and incident reporting
- 360-degree view of related maintenance, documentation, faults, suppliers and more
The assets and maintenance registers will enable you to:
- Integrate asset and equipment maintenance into your QMS for stronger compliance and quality assurance
- Improve asset and equipment availability and reliability
- Reduce risk associated with ownership of assets and equipment
- Improve safety across your organisation
Provided as a bundle, the assets and maintenance registers are now available as an optional add-on to your platform for $150/month. If this is the missing piece you’ve been looking for in your QMS, get in touch to arrange an online demonstration.